THERE is just one kind of love amongst human being. THERE are no types or categories to it, rather there are levels of the term called love. AND by the term levels love is defined as love with ourself and love with others. AGAIN there is no change in the quanity or quality of love to be produced and consumed by ourself and by others in case of love for others. 
love for ourself is explained with example! 
time when people refer to love, that love is rooted in their love for themselves. This can be clarified with a parable. A man walks into a restaurant. The waiter asks him what he would like. He responds that he loves fish. The fish is cooked and then cut up. The man then proceeds to eat the fish. Is this love? Is this the way one treats someone he loves? This man does not love fish. He loves himself, he loves to fill himself with fish.
Although the story sounds kind of silly, it reveals a very important lesson. All of us use the word love. In this story it becomes clear that, more often than not, when we use the word love with respect to others, we actually mean love for ourselves. In other words, we love what that person does for us, the way he or she makes us feel. The bottom line is that we do not really love others, rather, we love ourselves. What we often feel as love for others is actually just an extension of our love for ourselves. 
LOVE FOR others! 
the worlds best example is the love produced by other parents for us eternal love and its very good if we are able to produce for others...we all are aware of such kind of love as we have received it for many years from our parents!...such kind of love can be produced regardless of blood relation 
some facts about eternal love! 
1)it is a positive feeling regardless of what the loved one feels about you and others just like our parents feel about ourself regardless of our nature ,colour ,features etc 
2)we feel the most joyous and happiest as never before just by having a thought of the loved one and we don't bother about wether they are with us or not..just just shud be hapy. 
3)if we love sombody eternally then on must feel of just giving all her/his love to the loved one and will not be deprived of not obtaining it back, as no such term of give and take satisfies you .you just feel for giving it .if you feel even little bit of missing feeling for that person ,that means you don't love him eternally cuz you have got to satisfy yourself as explained above (love for ourself not for others)... love term is completely positive no nagative feeling is attached to the love. if that person whom you love is with you ,makes you more happy and joyous than ever but if he is not with you ,still you feel love without missed up can certainely call it an eternal love. and it is a fact and really really true for truest love for sombody . 
4)you get to feel about that parson as your little baby or simply your child (and you are hurt when he is hurt ) you are happy when he is happy. 
5)very important point!..about eternal love 
you must say that person who loves sombody eternally, he is always sad and cries and deprived of being in love but the fact i have explained above is about that love is completely positive ,so how can a person cry or somtimes want to die..but the fact is he is at his giving truma of the love produced by him but the same time other is not there to recicve it, so that eternal lover is not able to give his love to the loved one and sad and crying and wants to die . try and understand he does not want the love from the other rather wants to satisfy himself by giving his produced love to the other. 
on can say eternal love is sumwhat love for ourself as to some level we want to satisfy ourself by givivng our produced love as our parents do..we must have seen most of the time they are sad cuz we children are not there to recicve it due to distances or any other reason.. 
6) there is otherwise no pain is attached to the eternal love as far as the love is being received by the person to whom you directed.and you can stay your complete life just by giving. ITS willbe very fortunate that your loved one also feels the eternal love and got to produce for you too. means it is reciprocated .in such case, eternal love gets an equation of balance in the universe.the equation of love is balanced. 
7)the one who produces eternal love for others can actually receive it from others cuz the other can watch you that to some extends you are not satisfying your self and just satisfying others .IF YOU STILL feel you satisfy your self by satisfying others in terms of love ,then don't worry .........there is no other kind of love exist between human beings,think!...